"Mounir is een man met diepgang, die de kleine dingen in het leven mooi maakt – dat proef je ook in zijn gerechten."
– Jay Francis, cabaretier
"Dit boek is een must voor iedereen die liefde voor eten heeft. Mounir bezig een schat aan kennis en deelt deze op een speelse manier. Wauw!"
– Jermain de Rozario, chef-kok
"Vega Arabisch, mijn vakbroeders origine, boordevol kennis in een mengelmoes van smaken en texturen."
– Robert J.K. Kranenborg, mijn culinaire held
The Arabic cuisine is in my opinion still a neglected child. Unfortunately, this special cooking doesn't get the credits it deserves. People often only think of the common falafel, hummus and kebab sandwiches, while it is so much more than this! The dishes from the Arabic kitchen are versatile, delicious and surprising. In “Tasty Arabic Cuisine" I want to introduce you to the melting pot of cultures and their associated cuisines, from Moroccan to Turkish and from Afghanistan to the Lebanese flavors.
This book is intended for anyone who wants to discover the taste of the Arabic cuisine, but also for the second and third generation of Moroccan-Dutch people. Unlike their parents and grandparents, they are often two-income households who have less time to cook. As a result, knowledge of traditional Arab gastronomy is lost. And that's a shame! Enjoy a Moroccan couscous salad or Turkish lentil soup on a weekday, and unwind on the weekends with a lovely mezze for lunch with the whole family. And don't forget: cook and eat with lots of love and pleasure.

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